Gcam Porting For LeEco Le 2 x52x

This one of the Stable version for us
Here is the link
This Gcam was build by nullbytepl with base on from Bulkin043_v4
Added features like timelapse, 4k/2160p, the camera is more accurate
but there is some bugs if you use timelapse 4k the apps will be broke, motion photo doesn't work, night sight sometimes crashes

And this is fix for camera if your camera sometimes stopped working on any custom rom:
download some terminal apps on play store
put this commands line by line
first type "su"
"stop qcamerasvr"
"start qcamerasvr"
and boom its fix now but sometimes will come again so save it

Gcam 7.0.009 by nullby here is the link
early builds, and has some bugs


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